Double Trouble #165

We have a new challenge starting today over at Double Trouble (#165)!

This time Thing 1 is looking for “Something, Anything, Everything,” – which means there are no restrictions to what you enter!

Thing 3 has the optional challenge of using at least three colors featured on the graphic below, and/or one of the images to go along with the Cinco de Mayo theme.

Finally, Thing 2 double dares you to join the challenge at any one of our previous partners. Be sure to check the current challenges and dates before you decide what to create! A list of previous partners can be found here.

The Quick and Simple Details:

  • images from Lawn Fawn
  • colored with Copic markers
  • partnering with Creative Creases where any fun fold design qualifies

Additional Challenges:

The Paper Shelter #593 – food/drink

Creative Fingers #276 – anything goes

Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers #249 – F is for Fold It

10 Replies to “Double Trouble #165”

  1. Oh I just love the play on words. Your card is super fun. Great design! Thanks for sharing this with us at The Paper Shelter!

  2. What a sweet little card – I love that you made a fancy fold! Thanks for playing with us at SoSS, Jo x

  3. Oh, Melanie, this fun fold is adorable! I love this one but your tacos make it even better. Thank you for playing with the Creative Creases Challenge, and I hope you can join us again soon. We really appreciate your support!
    Debbie, DT
    Secrets To Stamping

  4. I love your fun fold design and tacos are always awesome!!! Thanks so much for playing with the Sisterhood, Melanie!

  5. This is so cute Melanie! That pattern paper goes perfect for the fiesta theme and tacos! Love that cute fold too 🙂

  6. Oh my gosh… this is absolutely adorable! This card will certainly bring a smile to the recipient. Love it.
    Thank you for joining us this challenge. Hope to see you next round.
    Rae in Reno, DT
    Creative Creases

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